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Welcome to my digital orienteering map archive!

On this site I will publish maps, courses and route choices from orienteering events I have attended.

Skumringskampen (2024-10-21)
Lunedì 21 Ottobre 2024
Categoria: Competition
Gjellebekk (Liertoppen)
Better orienteering than in my previous NIght-O races this fall, possibly because my knee has been hurting quite a bit since I ran...
Blodslitet H65 (2024-10-19)
Sabato 19 Ottobre 2024
Categoria: Competition
Østsidenmarka, Fredrikstad
One mistake in the phi loop when I ran to 5 instead of 4 (shown as 7/9 and 6 on the race map which has the opposite forking) . Abo...
Harry Lagert Night-O (2024-10-16)
Mercoledì 16 Ottobre 2024
Categoria: Competition
My worst race this fall, I failed to spot #1 (2:30 lost), OK to #2, failed again to see the flag on #3 (1 min loss), ok to #4. The...
Skumringskampen (2024-10-14)
Lunedì 14 Ottobre 2024
Categoria: Competition
Klevjerhagen Røyken
Lost the path system both times in the green valley SE of control 5, plus a small mistake on control 2. It might have been faster ...
Skumringskampen 3 (2024-10-07)
Lunedì 7 Ottobre 2024
Categoria: Competition
Geoform (2024-10-05)
Sabato 5 Ottobre 2024
Categoria: Competition
I tried to run fast even though my knees hurt, today that resulted in two major mistakes, to #5 (where I got so lost that I stoppe...
Fjellveka 2021 rerun (2024-10-04)
Venerdì 4 Ottobre 2024
Categoria: Training
Rauland Høgfjellshotell
Another rerun, this time of the H70 course from the 2021 race series. No flags of course, so I did spend a few extra seconds makin...
Rerun of VM sprint 2017 (2024-10-02)
Mercoledì 2 Ottobre 2024
Categoria: Competition
Rauland sentrum
Pushed as hard as I could but still 3 min slower than the winner from 7 years ago!
Bakkedrag til toppen av Killingnuten (2024-09-30)
My knees felt fine running uphill, but quite bad going back down, so I tried to take a route with maximally soft footing. I still ...
Vierli runden på barfrost (2024-09-29)
Nice hike with Tone after two nights with frost so that all the wet marshes and mud pools were partly frozen. The trip was partly ...
Tur rundt Hyljås med Tone (2024-09-28)
Sabato 28 Settembre 2024
Categoria: Training
Vi parkerte ved Revsnes camping, gikk først fobi Spegla, en campinghytte laget i speilglass og med tilhørende badstu og badebryg...
Harry Lagert (2024-09-25)
Mercoledì 25 Settembre 2024
Categoria: Competition
Relaxed run, did not press since I was afraid of getting sick. I still messed up at 3,4 and 5!
Kjentmannsbankett (2024-09-24)
Martedì 24 Settembre 2024
Categoria: Training
Skansebakken, Kitty Dahl
Inledende tur for å bygge appetitt, veivalget ble som foreslått av Kitty: Oppover langs stien til Lysedammene, ned igjen via gru...
KM Natt H60 (2024-09-17)
Martedì 17 Settembre 2024
Categoria: Competition
Borgen/Vardåsen, Asker
Ran half an hour after everyone else, after driving directly from a ballroom dance class to the start of the race. Thank You to th...
Veteranmesterskapet Mellom H65 (2024-09-15)
Domenica 15 Settembre 2024
Categoria: Competition
My first VM win in many(11?) years, I wasn't the fastest runner today, but everyone else made more mistakes than what I did: My on...
Veteranmesterskapet Sprint (2024-09-13)
Venerdì 13 Settembre 2024
Categoria: Competition
Lost 5-10 sec hesitating into #2, then I failed to spot #3 from 2m away and lost 20-30 sec, before the disaster on #5 where I lost...
Kjentmannstur til Kommunehytta, KP42 (2024-09-12)
Giovedì 12 Settembre 2024
Categoria: Training
Totalt 9.5 km, nesten 600 m stigning, tilbake ved bilene ca 21:10, dvs en times tid etter at det ble for mørkt til åse hvor vi g...
Geoform (2024-09-11)
Mercoledì 11 Settembre 2024
Categoria: Competition
Close to perfect orienteering except for a slight hesitation in the hillside up to #7.
Tour of Lillomarka #13 (2024-09-09)
Lunedì 9 Settembre 2024
Categoria: Competition
My righj knee is so bad that I cannot land properly on it or push to accelerate, so I'm moving far slower than I would like to. Ho...
Hemingløpet H60 (2024-09-01)
Domenica 1 Settembre 2024
Categoria: Competition
Good start to 1,2,3 then a really stupid mistake to #4 which I ran past to the next major path junction. Lost 60-70 sec here. Next...
Maridalsalpene (2024-08-28)
Mercoledì 28 Agosto 2024
Categoria: Competition
A very tough climb up to the start but then we got all the payback we could wish for in the form of wonderful views and even nicer...
Kjentmannspost 12 (2024-08-27)
Martedì 27 Agosto 2024
Categoria: Training
6.0 km and 1:30 walking time along the western route to the control. 31 min break at the control 5.5 km / 1:21 time to get back do...
NROF Infanteriløp (2024-08-24)
OK orientering, too many penalty minutes on shooting and target designation
Geoform (2024-08-21)
Mercoledì 21 Agosto 2024
Categoria: Competition
Ran with soft, i.e. not studded shoes, after a 20+ mm rainfall, so all the rocks and slabs were horribly slippery. My orienteering...
Kjentmann KP37 og 38 (2024-08-18)
11.7 km, 32 min rest/refuel at the top of Paradiskollen, 2 + 4 min spent visiting the two fixed about 3:37 total hikin...
Høydepunktet - NC Publikumsløp (2024-08-17)
Sabato 17 Agosto 2024
Categoria: Competition
Lodsby Gods, Østmarka
Late entry, pulled a back muscle yesterday so somewhat painful run. Very good orienteering until I failed to see control 11 and sk...
Kretsstafetten Hovedløpet test run (2024-08-07)
Mercoledì 7 Agosto 2024
Categoria: Training
Asmaløy, FSK
Ran through one of the courses after the youths had finished their championship relay. Made a small direction mistake into #1, oth...
Stolpejakt MTBO (2024-08-05)
Lunedì 5 Agosto 2024
Categoria: Training
This would have been faster on foot, but I needed to save my knees which have meniscus problems.
Svabergsprinten (2024-07-23)
Martedì 23 Luglio 2024
Categoria: Training
Did a run through of my own course: Even though I hung out all the control 10 days ago, I had not taken the course in the correct ...
Hovedløp test løype (2024-07-20)
Sabato 20 Luglio 2024
Categoria: Training
This course had no control markers, so I ended up with a couple of MPs in the very diffuse areas around 5 and 13
Stolpejakt (2024-07-19)
Venerdì 19 Luglio 2024
Categoria: Training
Fredrikstad Sentrum, FSK
Hunting fixed controls using my race bike with an MTBO map holder. I made a couple of orienteering mistakes, but most of my time l...
Kråkerøy sløfer 3 (2024-07-18)
Giovedì 18 Luglio 2024
Categoria: Training
I failed to spot the streamer right in front of me on #1, spent about 90 sec before I came back. I made a tiny wobble into #3, oth...
Kråkerøy sløyfer 2 (2024-07-18)
Giovedì 18 Luglio 2024
Categoria: Training
2nd loop was much better than the first. I misread the open/semi-open towards #1 but corrected quickly, then I lost direction for ...
Kråkerøy sløyfer 1 (2024-07-18)
Giovedì 18 Luglio 2024
Categoria: Training
I failed to see the faded streamer on #1, then OK on 2 & 3, before I had bad direction towards #4
Femdalsund A-kort (2024-07-14)
Did not tape my ankles, so I ran very carefully. I failed to spot the streamers in a few locations, largest time loss on #7 which ...
Skjærgårdscup 2 (2024-07-10)
Mercoledì 10 Luglio 2024
Categoria: Competition
Røsholmen, Jacobsen/Sikkeland
My head was never into this race, but I needed the run to distract myself so I was happy I started. Mostly OK routes, one really s...
Skjærgårdscup 1 (2024-07-09)
Martedì 9 Luglio 2024
Categoria: Competition
Bussevika, Tore Sagvolden
Pretty good orienteering: I lost significant time to #3 due to going straight: The initial half had a lot of micro-hils and heavy ...
FSK Intervals (2024-07-02)
Martedì 2 Luglio 2024
Categoria: Training
A set of 4 intervals on the nice Torsnes map, only somewhat marred currently by new logging. I missed #1 because the bare rock pa...
Veritas sommerløp (2024-06-26)
Mercoledì 26 Giungo 2024
Categoria: Competition
Sognsvann øst
Tried to run with a very swollen knee, so I was mostly moving at jogging pace. No real mistakes since I had plenty of time to orie...
O-Festivalen Lang H65 (2024-06-23)
Dårlig gjennomført veivalg til 4 post, stoppet rett ved posten på 9 uten å se flagget og tapte 3,5 min her.
Knut Valstads Minneløp (Late run) (2024-06-15)
Sabato 15 Giungo 2024
Categoria: Competition
Sandbakken, Oppsal
I was on the entry list for this race, but unfortunately sick at the time. Oppsal however decided to let the flags for this and th...
Koll 123 - Medium without paths (2024-06-11)
Pretty good orienteering! I think #3 was located a tiny bit too far south/high in the reentrant. #4 was definitely too high up, bu...
NROF-mesterskap Feltidrett (2024-06-01)
Sabato 1 Giungo 2024
Categoria: Competition
Extreme compass exercise: The solid yellow depressions, as around #2 were very distinct, but the rest of the vegetation drawing wa...
Koll 1-2-3 (2024-05-28)
Martedì 28 Maggio 2024
Categoria: Competition
Sognsvann Øst
Another local race on modified (no paths) map. I made one really serious mistake on #8 where I never spotted the special detail ne...
Kjentmannstur KP 45 og 47 (2024-05-23)
Fin tur i fantastisk vær og spennende terreng rundt Tonekollen!
Koll 123 (2024-05-21)
Martedì 21 Maggio 2024
Categoria: Competition
Sognsvann Vest uten stier
Ran on a modified map, with all paths removed. This meant that I had to rely on compass plus contours and some water details for m...
OSI-Geoform (2024-05-15)
Mercoledì 15 Maggio 2024
Categoria: Competition
Tough terrain, but my only real mistake (75 sec) was a bit over halfway to #1 when I hit a path/track junction and was so mentally...
Koll 123 (2024-05-14)
Martedì 14 Maggio 2024
Categoria: Competition
Ran directly after a heavy dinner, so everything moved in slow motion. Got confused by al the new paths towards #2, plus the loggi...
FSK Klubbmesterskap (2024-05-09)
Giovedì 9 Maggio 2024
Categoria: Competition
Won all split times on this race, but Tom A Karlsen who won H70 using the same course was less than 3 min behind, two of them on t...
Kjentmannsposter 29 & 30 (2024-05-06)
Lunedì 6 Maggio 2024
Categoria: Training
Nordmarka fra Hammeren
6.6 km sykkel (250m høyde) frem til den 400m lange stien til KP 30, Bjørnsjøhelvete og den berømte broen. Vi tok matpausen her...
Tiomila (2024-05-04)
Sabato 4 Maggio 2024
Categoria: Competition
Frazione della staffetta 6th
9+ min lost on #2, 2.5 min on #13
Kvistkvaset stafett (2024-05-01)
Mercoledì 1 Maggio 2024
Categoria: Competition
Final test before TIomila, the race went at least as well as I hoped, but quite disappointed that I ended up running effectively t...
Burgundernatta (2024-04-25)
Giovedì 25 Aprile 2024
Categoria: Competition
Test night race before Tiomila: Good orienteering but I got mentally tired after about an hour. When the second to last control wa...
Oslo City Cup #4 (2024-04-23)
Martedì 23 Aprile 2024
Categoria: Competition
Kampen, Nydalens SK
I got DSQ'ed on control 15 even though I am certainly stamping on that control! My headcam video show that I am moving my left han...
Smaaleneneløpet H65 (2024-04-21)
Domenica 21 Aprile 2024
Categoria: Competition
Too slow running speed, but much better orienteering than yesterday: Close to perfect? According to Livelox/WinSplits I lost up t...
Lørdagskjappen (2024-04-20)
Sabato 20 Aprile 2024
Categoria: Competition
Good until just before #6 where I had to stop about 45 sec for a stomach issue, then even thoughI hit the control nicely, I had at...
Oslo City Cup #3 (2024-04-16)
Martedì 16 Aprile 2024
Categoria: Competition
Skullerud, Oppsal
This was my best OCC sprint race in a few years: All my routes were optimal, and I never stopped at a control since I had always h...
Halden Long H65 (2024-04-14)
Domenica 14 Aprile 2024
Categoria: Competition
Second day was too tough for me, I was still tired from yesterday, and got to pay for that immediately when I took so long to get ...
Halden O-Meeting Middle (2024-04-13)
Sabato 13 Aprile 2024
Categoria: Competition
Very good orienteering,I ended up in 3rd place, 2:50 behind Sören Jonsson who ran much faster, particularly on the long leg to #1...
Oslo City Cup 2 H60 (2024-04-09)
Martedì 9 Aprile 2024
Categoria: Competition
Ljanskollen-Holmlia, Bækkelaget
OK forest part (2nd place on control 7), but then I lost 7 places on the remaining street running, ending up in 9th place. I made ...
Vestfold 2-dagers - Sandefjord (2024-04-07)
My back still hurts quite a bit, so I can't really run properly, but I still managed my best race of the season, ending with secon...
Båveissprinten (2024-04-06)
Sabato 6 Aprile 2024
Categoria: Competition
Kråkerøy, Fredrikstad SK
I had a partially slipped disk just before Easter, but an immediate chiropractor visit plus a back specialist doctor who gave me 6...
Oslo City Cup 1 (2024-04-02)
Martedì 2 Aprile 2024
Categoria: Training
All my running over the last several months have been in the form of very steep (10-15%) uphill intervals in order to hopefully re...
FSK Intervals (2024-03-09)
Sabato 9 Marzo 2024
Categoria: Training
Very nice conditions for my first O run in snow-free terrain this year. I did the first two intervals with OK orienteering: Checke...
Tur-O Ski Rauland (lower half controls) (2024-02-22)
Giovedì 22 Febbraio 2024
Categoria: Training
Rauland, Dyre Vaa / Porsgrunn OL
Ski-O trip to pick up the 5 last controls on this map.
Tyrving Gate-O (2024-02-04)
Domenica 4 Febbraio 2024
Categoria: Competition
Ramstad Skole
I ran this course three days after the event, so no markers but that didn't make any significant difference. I had some stomach pa...
Gate-O Østerås (2024-01-11)
Giovedì 11 Gennaio 2024
Categoria: Competition
I ran this event before sunset because we were having our daughter and grandson over for dinner, I don't think daylight vs headlam...