O-Festivalen Mellom H65 (24.06.2023)
Kategorie: Competition
Karte/Gebiet: Grønmo
Veranstalter: Oppsal
Distanz: 3.36 km
Zeit: 25:15
Durchschnittspuls: 149
Maximalpuls: 173
Best race this season: Near-perfect routes and execution, with running speed just 15-20 sec/km slower than the winner, Nils Hæstad.
We shared the win to the first control, running 45 sec faster than the third best split. From that point I had 2nd or 3rd best split to all controls except #8 where I was 4th best but only 4 seconds behind Nils.
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O-Festivalen Mellom H65 (24.06.2023) O-Festivalen Mellom H65 (24.06.2023)