Gromløpet H65 (14.05.2023)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: Krigsskolen - Linderud
Skutečná délka: 5.04 km
Čas: 37:47
Prům. tepy: 161
Max. tepy: 181
My running form is getting better and I managed to orienteer well for almost the entire race, with no serious mistakes:

I hesitated into #2, ran a few seconds in the wrong direction on a path between 3 & 4 and then I ran intentionally to the right of the lake to #5 even though I believed the better running surface on the east side would be faster. The rest was probably close to optimal routes with good execution.
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Gromløpet H65 (14.05.2023) Gromløpet H65 (14.05.2023)