Oslo City Cup 4 (02.05.2023)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: Frognerparken
Skutečná délka: 3.34 km
Čas: 21:25
Prům. tepy: 145
Max. tepy: 169
Mostly pure running!
I lost about 10 sec on #7 when I hesitated above the retaining wall while trying to read/understand the map (which is actually very good here!).
I also lost something similar when I managed to crash into a door jamb after #8, while I was reading the next control description instead of watching where I was running. The crash itself only took a few seconds, but the splits show that I lost time consistently from this point on.
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Oslo City Cup 4 (02.05.2023) Oslo City Cup 4 (02.05.2023)