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Welcome to my digital orienteering map archive!

On this site I will publish maps, courses and route choices from orienteering events I have attended.

Hemingløpet H60 (2024-09-01)
pühapäev 1 september 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Good start to 1,2,3 then a really stupid mistake to #4 which I ran past to the next major path junction. Lost 60-70 sec here. Next...
Maridalsalpene (2024-08-28)
kolmapäev 28 august 2024
Kategooria: Competition
A very tough climb up to the start but then we got all the payback we could wish for in the form of wonderful views and even nicer...
Kjentmannspost 12 (2024-08-27)
teisipäev 27 august 2024
Kategooria: Training
6.0 km and 1:30 walking time along the western route to the control. 31 min break at the control 5.5 km / 1:21 time to get back do...
NROF Infanteriløp (2024-08-24)
laupäev 24 august 2024
Kategooria: Competition
OK orientering, too many penalty minutes on shooting and target designation
Geoform (2024-08-21)
kolmapäev 21 august 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Ran with soft, i.e. not studded shoes, after a 20+ mm rainfall, so all the rocks and slabs were horribly slippery. My orienteering...
Stolpejakt KP37 og 38 (2024-08-18)
pühapäev 18 august 2024
Kategooria: Training
11.7 km, 32 min rest/refuel at the top of Paradiskollen, 2 + 4 min spent visiting the two fixed about 3:37 total hikin...
Høydepunktet - NC Publikumsløp (2024-08-17)
laupäev 17 august 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Lodsby Gods, Østmarka
Late entry, pulled a back muscle yesterday so somewhat painful run. Very good orienteering until I failed to see control 11 and sk...
Kretsstafetten Hovedløpet test run (2024-08-07)
kolmapäev 7 august 2024
Kategooria: Training
Asmaløy, FSK
Ran through one of the courses after the youths had finished their championship relay. Made a small direction mistake into #1, oth...
Stolpejakt MTBO (2024-08-05)
esmaspäev 5 august 2024
Kategooria: Training
This would have been faster on foot, but I needed to save my knees which have meniscus problems.
Svabergsprinten (2024-07-23)
teisipäev 23 juuli 2024
Kategooria: Training
Did a run through of my own course: Even though I hung out all the control 10 days ago, I had not taken the course in the correct ...
Hovedløp test løype (2024-07-20)
laupäev 20 juuli 2024
Kategooria: Training
This course had no control markers, so I ended up with a couple of MPs in the very diffuse areas around 5 and 13
Stolpejakt (2024-07-19)
reede 19 juuli 2024
Kategooria: Training
Fredrikstad Sentrum, FSK
Hunting fixed controls using my race bike with an MTBO map holder. I made a couple of orienteering mistakes, but most of my time l...
Kråkerøy sløfer 3 (2024-07-18)
neljapäev 18 juuli 2024
Kategooria: Training
I failed to spot the streamer right in front of me on #1, spent about 90 sec before I came back. I made a tiny wobble into #3, oth...
Kråkerøy sløyfer 2 (2024-07-18)
neljapäev 18 juuli 2024
Kategooria: Training
2nd loop was much better than the first. I misread the open/semi-open towards #1 but corrected quickly, then I lost direction for ...
Kråkerøy sløyfer 1 (2024-07-18)
neljapäev 18 juuli 2024
Kategooria: Training
I failed to see the faded streamer on #1, then OK on 2 & 3, before I had bad direction towards #4
Femdalsund A-kort (2024-07-14)
pühapäev 14 juuli 2024
Kategooria: Training
Did not tape my ankles, so I ran very carefully. I failed to spot the streamers in a few locations, largest time loss on #7 which ...
Skjærgårdscup 2 (2024-07-10)
kolmapäev 10 juuli 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Røsholmen, Jacobsen/Sikkeland
My head was never into this race, but I needed the run to distract myself so I was happy I started. Mostly OK routes, one really s...
Skjærgårdscup 1 (2024-07-09)
teisipäev 9 juuli 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Bussevika, Tore Sagvolden
Pretty good orienteering: I lost significant time to #3 due to going straight: The initial half had a lot of micro-hils and heavy ...
FSK Intervals (2024-07-02)
teisipäev 2 juuli 2024
Kategooria: Training
A set of 4 intervals on the nice Torsnes map, only somewhat marred currently by new logging. I missed #1 because the bare rock pa...
Veritas sommerløp (2024-06-26)
kolmapäev 26 juuni 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Sognsvann øst
Tried to run with a very swollen knee, so I was mostly moving at jogging pace. No real mistakes since I had plenty of time to orie...
O-Festivalen Lang H65 (2024-06-23)
pühapäev 23 juuni 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Dårlig gjennomført veivalg til 4 post, stoppet rett ved posten på 9 uten å se flagget og tapte 3,5 min her.
Knut Valstads Minneløp (Late run) (2024-06-15)
laupäev 15 juuni 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Sandbakken, Oppsal
I was on the entry list for this race, but unfortunately sick at the time. Oppsal however decided to let the flags for this and th...
Koll 123 - Medium without paths (2024-06-11)
teisipäev 11 juuni 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Pretty good orienteering! I think #3 was located a tiny bit too far south/high in the reentrant. #4 was definitely too high up, bu...
NROF-mesterskap Feltidrett (2024-06-01)
laupäev 1 juuni 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Extreme compass exercise: The solid yellow depressions, as around #2 were very distinct, but the rest of the vegetation drawing wa...
Koll 1-2-3 (2024-05-28)
teisipäev 28 mai 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Sognsvann Øst
Another local race on modified (no paths) map. I made one really serious mistake on #8 where I never spotted the special detail ne...
Kjentmannstur KP 45 og 47 (2024-05-23)
neljapäev 23 mai 2024
Kategooria: Training
Fin tur i fantastisk vær og spennende terreng rundt Tonekollen!
Koll 123 (2024-05-21)
teisipäev 21 mai 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Sognsvann Vest uten stier
Ran on a modified map, with all paths removed. This meant that I had to rely on compass plus contours and some water details for m...
OSI-Geoform (2024-05-15)
kolmapäev 15 mai 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Tough terrain, but my only real mistake (75 sec) was a bit over halfway to #1 when I hit a path/track junction and was so mentally...
Koll 123 (2024-05-14)
teisipäev 14 mai 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Ran directly after a heavy dinner, so everything moved in slow motion. Got confused by al the new paths towards #2, plus the loggi...
FSK Klubbmesterskap (2024-05-09)
neljapäev 9 mai 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Won all split times on this race, but Tom A Karlsen who won H70 using the same course was less than 3 min behind, two of them on t...
Kjentmannsposter 29 & 30 (2024-05-06)
esmaspäev 6 mai 2024
Kategooria: Training
Nordmarka fra Hammeren
6.6 km sykkel (250m høyde) frem til den 400m lange stien til KP 30, Bjørnsjøhelvete og den berømte broen. Vi tok matpausen her...
Tiomila (2024-05-04)
laupäev 4 mai 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Vahetus 6th
9+ min lost on #2, 2.5 min on #13
Kvistkvaset stafett (2024-05-01)
kolmapäev 1 mai 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Final test before TIomila, the race went at least as well as I hoped, but quite disappointed that I ended up running effectively t...
Burgundernatta (2024-04-25)
neljapäev 25 aprill 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Test night race before Tiomila: Good orienteering but I got mentally tired after about an hour. When the second to last control wa...
Oslo City Cup #4 (2024-04-23)
teisipäev 23 aprill 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Kampen, Nydalens SK
I got DSQ'ed on control 15 even though I am certainly stamping on that control! My headcam video show that I am moving my left han...
Smaaleneneløpet H65 (2024-04-21)
pühapäev 21 aprill 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Too slow running speed, but much better orienteering than yesterday: Close to perfect? According to Livelox/WinSplits I lost up t...
Lørdagskjappen (2024-04-20)
laupäev 20 aprill 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Good until just before #6 where I had to stop about 45 sec for a stomach issue, then even thoughI hit the control nicely, I had at...
Oslo City Cup #3 (2024-04-16)
teisipäev 16 aprill 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Skullerud, Oppsal
This was my best OCC sprint race in a few years: All my routes were optimal, and I never stopped at a control since I had always h...
Halden Long H65 (2024-04-14)
pühapäev 14 aprill 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Second day was too tough for me, I was still tired from yesterday, and got to pay for that immediately when I took so long to get ...
Halden O-Meeting Middle (2024-04-13)
laupäev 13 aprill 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Very good orienteering,I ended up in 3rd place, 2:50 behind Sören Jonsson who ran much faster, particularly on the long leg to #1...
Oslo City Cup 2 H60 (2024-04-09)
teisipäev 9 aprill 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Ljanskollen-Holmlia, Bækkelaget
OK forest part (2nd place on control 7), but then I lost 7 places on the remaining street running, ending up in 9th place. I made ...
Vestfold 2-dagers - Sandefjord (2024-04-07)
pühapäev 7 aprill 2024
Kategooria: Competition
My back still hurts quite a bit, so I can't really run properly, but I still managed my best race of the season, ending with secon...
Båveissprinten (2024-04-06)
laupäev 6 aprill 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Kråkerøy, Fredrikstad SK
I had a partially slipped disk just before Easter, but an immediate chiropractor visit plus a back specialist doctor who gave me 6...
Oslo City Cup 1 (2024-04-02)
teisipäev 2 aprill 2024
Kategooria: Training
All my running over the last several months have been in the form of very steep (10-15%) uphill intervals in order to hopefully re...
FSK Intervals (2024-03-09)
laupäev 9 märts 2024
Kategooria: Training
Very nice conditions for my first O run in snow-free terrain this year. I did the first two intervals with OK orienteering: Checke...
Tur-O Ski Rauland (lower half controls) (2024-02-22)
neljapäev 22 veebruar 2024
Kategooria: Training
Rauland, Dyre Vaa / Porsgrunn OL
Ski-O trip to pick up the 5 last controls on this map.
Tyrving Gate-O (2024-02-04)
pühapäev 4 veebruar 2024
Kategooria: Competition
Ramstad Skole
I ran this course three days after the event, so no markers but that didn't make any significant difference. I had some stomach pa...
Gate-O Østerås (2024-01-11)
neljapäev 11 jaanuar 2024
Kategooria: Competition
I ran this event before sunset because we were having our daughter and grandson over for dinner, I don't think daylight vs headlam...