Christian pre-wedding run (13/07/2013)
Category: Training
Map/area: Den Omvendte Baat
Distance: 8.85 km
Time: 66:35
Christian and his best man had figured out that since all the women needed a bit more time to get ready for the wedding than the men, we could use that free time for a group run up to "The Inverted Boat", a popular hiking destination in the hills north of Kristiansand. The weather was gorgeous, as it has been for the last week or two, so all those bottomless mud pools we had to pass during O-Festivalen three weeks ago were now totally dry. :-) The actual wedding started in Oddernes Church at 13:00, followed by a very nice reception and dinner at "Vigeland Hovedgård" about 15 minutes drive up along the Otra river. Congratulations to Silje and Christian!
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Christian pre-wedding run (13/07/2013) Christian pre-wedding run (13/07/2013)