Veritas Natt (2021-11-17)
Típus: Competition
Térkép/terület: Båntjern
Táv: 4.31 km
Idő: 41:57
Átlag pulzus: 151
Maximális pulzus: 170

Started well,won the first two splits, but climbing up to #3 I had to walk a few steps in the steepest parts of the path system.

Messed up a bit towards #4 by not finding the path system across the first valley, but OK from the shed.

First real mistake to #5 where I stopped trusing my compass when I got into the open hilltop area, Lost about 45 sec.

I lost over a minute on #6 when I left the big path and started searching far too soon.

Good route and execution to #7.

#8 was horrible: I got so confused by the path system (which is just a small extract of all the paths in the area) that I thought I was further south and decided to cut across, even though I was in fact exactly where I had intended! I lost about 1:45 here.

The same story repeated itself to #9 when I ran perfectly until I stopped trusting my orienteering, started searching in the wrong area and lost at least a minute.

Total time loss was almost 5 min, so I need to stop making stupid mistakes on these events!
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Veritas Natt (2021-11-17) Veritas Natt (2021-11-17)