Sørkedalskarusellen 1 (02-06-2021)
Catégorie: Competition
Carte/région: Garlaushøgda
Organisateur: Fossum
Distance: 4.06 km
Temps: 42:27
HR moyen: 145
HR maximum: 174
First real competition in a _very_ long time, I managed to win my course by avoiding the huge errors most runners did, but it was still a far from clean run:
There was a MTB (?) trail leading west from the starting point which I followed instead of finding the nice path straight up the hill until the dot knoll underneath the line to the control. I lost a minute or two on this route!
OK to#2, #3 was located a bit too far north and further down the hillside but I spotted it.
OK to #4, 5, back to 3/6, then some hesitation into #7.
I could have aimed south out of #7 to locate the indistinct path but my route was probably OK, and the little pond was completely dry.
Back to #7/10 meant that I could retrace my route from the first time, then I lost another minute or two to the last control due to many fallen trees and unmapped boulder/scree fields.
I also lost a few seconds to the finish control because I left the path too early.
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Sørkedalskarusellen 1 (02-06-2021) Sørkedalskarusellen 1 (02-06-2021)