Sommerløp Songsvann (28/06/2017)
Category: Competition
Map/area: Sognsvann Vest
Organiser: Veritas
Distance: 4.49 km
Time: 31:49
When I finished this race I felt that I had just done a near-perfect run, but closer review shows several significant mistakes in this area which is completely filled with unmapped trail fragments along with the usually somewhat larger mapped trails.

OK to #1, full speed all the way but I was still 5 sec behind Henrik Reuch with whom I would exchange the lead multiple times.

Very good to #2 as well but Henrik extended his lead by another 9 seconds.

To #3 it was almost certainly faster to go down to road but I wanted more orienteering so I ran straight. Lost 19 sec to the best split but took over the lead.

To #4 I ran on paths even when the track shows white forest, this caused me to end up too far east. In addition there is an obvious elevation change up to the control which the map doesn't show so I hesitated here and lost the lead again.

I ran strongly all the way to #5, shared the split win with Henrik, but the paths were not as runnable as I expected. It is possible that a right-hand route going flat to the main path and up would be faster.

Won the split down to #6 where I joined Henrik in the lead.

From the splits Henrik probably tried a direct route to #7 and missed, giving me sole lead.

To #8 I started OK but near the end I made a stupid parallel mistake, cutting across a marsh which was 100m before the control instead of the one just below.I ended up on the main path and took some time recover, lost 78 sec to the best split and allowed Henrik to take over once again.

My adrenaline-fueled sprint up to the last control allowed me to regain the lead for the last time, and with a fast route to the finish I ended up winning the course 22s in front of Henrik.

PS. Giving 1:10K prints to H60 in extremely detailed terrain like this was at least partly responsible for my misread up to #8, the course would have fitted easily on A4 with 1:7500 or even 1:6000 scale.
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Sommerløp Songsvann (28/06/2017) Sommerløp Songsvann (28/06/2017)