Geoform 4 Mellom (2023-05-31)
Kategori: Competition
Karta/område: Bånkall/Røverkollen
Sträcka: 5.02 km
Tid: 43:21
Genomsnittlig puls: 148
Maxpuls: 172
My left ankle has mostly stopped hurting so I ran this local event. I had to walk up the steepest parts and then I added a stupid mistake to #3 where I hit the road just after the bend, then I just started running and interpreted the big bend (with path junctions!) as the first and kept running until I realized what I had done and cut into the forest. At this point I did not know exactly where I was so when I hit an indistinct path I thought I was north of the control and turned right. I lost about 1:15 here.
The "open yellow" underneath the power lines should have had green stripes covering all of it, it was very hard to run here.
Except for having to walk up the hill after #6, the rest of the race was OK.
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Geoform 4 Mellom (2023-05-31) Geoform 4 Mellom (2023-05-31)