DNV Natt (2014-10-22)
Kategori: Competition
Karta/område: Vardåsen
Arrangör: Asker
Sträcka: 5.32 km
Tid: 46:08
Genomsnittlig puls: 140
Maxpuls: 164
OK to first control, then it all fell apart: We ran in heavy, cold rain, with lots of reflections from the plastic bags and the paper/printing, this caused me some problems but I managed the biggest ones all by myself:

On the way to #2 I didn't see the smaller path on the map, so I believed I was in the major junction 30-40 m further on. When I came to the next junction I took a left, then went into the forest, looking for the control in the wrong hill area.

After a while I came out to the big path I should have been on, but still didn't understand it, returning to the wrong hill again. When I finally understood where I was I had lost over 5 min!

I tried to restart my race and ran well all the way into #3, but here the course setter had hidden the marker away from the center of the circle "because he thought it was too visible", I finally spotted it on my third attempt, losing another 2.5 min.

I ran OK to #4, to #5 I didn't get either the vegetation boundaries or the contours along the paths to match up, dropping another minute near the control.

#6 looks OK on the map, but I spent over half a minute standing below the control cliff before I found the marker.

#7 was OK, and I thought #8 went very well, but I can see now that Trond R ran the same leg almost a minute faster, I'll have to ask him which route he took!
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DNV Natt (2014-10-22) DNV Natt (2014-10-22)