FSk Sommertrening (02.07.2023)
Kategori: Competition
Kart/område: Kråkerøy Syd/Lunde
Distanse: 4.78 km
Tid: 43:10
Gj.sn. HR: 146
Maksimum HR: 178
One week after I crashed my right shin into a boulder on the last race of O-Festivalen, the wound is still open but I'm keeping it clean and well covered with non-stick dressings, so I hope it will start to grow soon!
In the meantime I'm being very careful while running in the forest, making sure I don't hit anything.
I failed to spot the flag on #1, then I ran OK to #2.
I took a direct line to #3, deciding that I would almost certainly be able to relocate when I hit the line of knolls and cliffs by the control, and that was correct, it only took a few seconds to turn right for the flag.
I followed the natural line in the terrain to the path, then ran to the man-made object (a tipi setup by the local kindergarten?) and saw the flag shortly after.
Good flow to #5, 6, 7 & 8.
I considered several forest lines towards #9 just to make the leg less boring but decided that I had already spent a long time and took the easy route.
To #10 & 11 the vegetation had changed a lot since 2016 but the controls were easy except that I stopped by the huge boulder in front of the dot knoll on #11 and had to read the description to figure this out.
From the last control to the finish I simply ran wherever I found tracks from the local kids playing in the area.
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FSk Sommertrening (02.07.2023) FSk Sommertrening (02.07.2023)