Skjærgårdscup 1 (2023-07-19)
Categoria: Competition
Nome della mappa: Sildevika
Organizzatore: Egil W Iversen
Distanza: 4.14 km
Tempo: 32:00
The first of the three traditional days of BBQ parties with non-compulsory O race first.
I ran on the slabs as much as possible up to #1, a very easy control, then the terrain has a lot of micro structure towards #2 where I hesitated into the control location. 10-15 sec?
Obvious route to to #3.
My plan was to go straight from the path bend to #4, but when I got there I found a new track, possible from MTB'ers which I took hoping it would follow the terrain formations south but when I realized that it led all the way to road I just kept going and ran along the field. This was probably half a minute slower for someone better able to run in the heather than what I'm currently capable of.
Good flow to #5 and #6, except that I didn't spot the flag underneath the cliff and looked a bit to the left before correcting.
Pure running to #7 and mostly the same with the route I took to #8.
Down to the final control I just ried to follow ridges to reduce the amount of deep heather to be traversed.
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Skjærgårdscup 1 (2023-07-19) Skjærgårdscup 1 (2023-07-19)