KM Natt H60 (2024-09-17)
Típus: Competition
Térkép/terület: Borgen/Vardåsen
Rendező: Asker
Táv: 5.03 km
Idő: 51:17
Átlag pulzus: 159
Maximális pulzus: 181
Ran half an hour after everyone else, after driving directly from a ballroom dance class to the start of the race. Thank You to the organizers!
Stupid route to #2, misread the contours and the open yellow before #5 (thought I was further south, then I failed to find the saddle towards #6 and ended up running all the way around. The rest was mostly OK, except for not taking the track along the building towards the second to last control.
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KM Natt H60 (2024-09-17) KM Natt H60 (2024-09-17)