Skjærgårdscup 1 (2024-07-09)
Típus: Competition
Térkép/terület: Bussevika
Rendező: Tore Sagvolden
Táv: 3.98 km
Idő: 39:37
Átlag pulzus: 146
Maximális pulzus: 177
Pretty good orienteering: I lost significant time to #3 due to going straight: The initial half had a lot of micro-hils and heavy heather and other undergrowth, so making a wide right turn was better.

On #11 I failed to spot the flag even though I looked for it at the south end of the knoll. I lost a minute here.
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Skjærgårdscup 1 (2024-07-09) Skjærgårdscup 1 (2024-07-09)