Koll 123 (2024-05-21)
Típus: Competition
Térkép/terület: Sognsvann Vest uten stier
Táv: 3.51 km
Idő: 32:03
Átlag pulzus: 146
Maximális pulzus: 170
Ran on a modified map, with all paths removed. This meant that I had to rely on compass plus contours and some water details for my orienteering. My only serious mistake was on #8 where I did a parallel mistake, reading the map around #7 instead and looked for the reentrants. Lost about 45 sec.
I also lost maybe 15 sec on the the last control when I first checked the earlier cliff since I didn't understand the contours plus semi-open mapping.
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Koll 123 (2024-05-21) Koll 123 (2024-05-21)