OSI/Geoform Rankingløp (2023-11-11)
Kategooria: Competition
Kaart/piirkond: Vaggestein
Distants: 5.49 km
Aeg: 53:38
1.5 min lost on a technical issue towards #2, then another 1.5 minute on a control mistake because I disagreed with the contour drawing: The dot knoll control was located well above the marsh instead of starting at the same elevation.

OK to #3, 4 & 5.

Halvway to #6 my map reading glasses got caught by a branch and when I tried to pull them free the frame was stuck will one of the lenses flew off. It took me another 1.5 minute to locate and re-assemble the parts!

I did no more orienteering mistakes from this point and ran pretty good routes.
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OSI/Geoform Rankingløp (2023-11-11) OSI/Geoform Rankingløp (2023-11-11)