Blåveissprinten (25-03-2023)
Kategori: Competition
Kort/område: Tomb/Råde
Arrangør: Fredrikstad
Distance: 3.68 km
Tid: 33:28
Gennemsnitspuls: 143
Maxpuls: 170
Decided to run even though my body was wasted from last night and a prevous stomach bug. I am actually very satisfied with my orienteering with the exception of #12 where I got too tired/lazy to do it properly, I.e. I should have aimed right to the path, then the path/ditch junction and then the end like I did it, except at that point I would have been much more secure and not stopped a few meters from the control boulder without spotting it behind some bushes, it seems like I lost 1.5 minutes here. Without this time loss I might have beaten my good friends Einar Jensen and Egil Wickstrand Iversen, but we were all 5+ minutes behind the winner Arild Kirkerud.
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Blåveissprinten (25-03-2023) Blåveissprinten (25-03-2023)