25 Manna Korten H55 (12-10-2014)
Kategori: Competition
Kort/område: Rudan
Distance: 4.15 km
Tid: 31:54
Gennemsnitspuls: 160
Maxpuls: 174
My best race this year. :-)

The start was extremely difficult, almost all the runners made major mistakes here, but I avoided any significant time loss, ending up in third place after being in second place for most of the race. The map should have been printed in 1:7500 or even 1:5000 for us veterans, the Swedish rule that makes it illegal to enlarge the maps for classes below H/D 60 is simply stupid!

1) I ran a slight left bend to this control, avoiding several smaller cliffs and knolls, this gave me the third best split time of the more than 120 starters.

2) The plan was to stay closer to the line, following the valley with the narrow marsh, but I ended up further east. This didn't matter as I recovered easily using the path and marsh.

3) Follow the marshes north, trying to avoid getting stuck in mud holes.

4) Very good route choice, second best split time.

5) Here I intended to follow the marshes and then take the path up the hill north of the control, but all the elephant tracks from the day before meant that I never knew exactly where I was before I spotted the huge cliff near the control circle and found a nice route into the control.

6) I didn't get the directions of the path by the path junction to match up with the map so I hesitated a bit, then trusted my compass.

7) OK

8) Good route choice and execution

9) I didn't like the map here, this control was located in a very sharp steep reentrant instead of the SE foot of an elongated small knoll.

10) Transport

11) Took the safe route

12) OK

13) The green was denser than expected so I ran a bit further around it

14) The last complicated control, just like many of the previous it was hidden as well as possible, this one was inside a dense spuce tree.

15) Transport. At this control I was still in second place in the race.

16) My initial plan was to go straight up the hill but then I decided that it looked faster to go right along the field first: The problem was that the nice white hillside was a small obstacle course, I lost 30 sec here to a club mate, as well as dropping to third place in the race.
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25 Manna Korten H55 (12-10-2014) 25 Manna Korten H55 (12-10-2014)