Lørdagskjappen (29.04.2023)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: KNA Varna
Pořadatel: Moss
Skutečná délka: 3.92 km
Čas: 33:02
Prům. tepy: 163
Max. tepy: 193
Pretty good orienteering, bad running speed.

Very good to #1, then I ran too far to the right to #2 while trying to stay dry (I had been told before the race that "the area you guys are running in is totally dry!"), this meant that I had to climb over two extra contours. 10-15s?

Good route to #3, I intentionally aimed a little bit to the right so that I could cross the narrow marsh, then stay on the side of it down to the flag.

Over to #4 the race map had an OOB area which I aimed towards, then followed the streamer between the big and the little pond before taking a bearing to the control, using the saddle to my right to fine-tune the final approach.

#5 was drawn to be on the same contour as #4, but it seemed to be a bit higher up in the hillside.

Perfect direction to #6, the final part I could just aim at the power line pylon.

Good route to #9, then I ran OK to #10 & 11.

Back to #12 it was probably faster to follow the power line then take the indistinct stream to the flag, but my route via the path made for easier running.

My worst control miss was to #14 where I suspected that I was aiming a bit too far right but I decided to just go on until I hit the stream and then follow that up to the flag. Another 10-15 s?
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Lørdagskjappen (29.04.2023) Lørdagskjappen (29.04.2023)