OBIK P19 (21.08.2014)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: Jegersborgdammen
Pořadatel: Heming
Skutečná délka: 5.14 km
Čas: 42:47
Prům. tepy: 159
Max. tepy: 170
Still improving. :-)

OK to 1 & 2, then towards #3 I started correctly but then began orienteering towards #6. I recovered a few seconds past the main path junction so I probably lost just 15-20 sec.

OK to #4, but it is obvious that I don't really trust my compass and want to use the contours, hesitating and turning aside a bit too soon.

#5 was easy because the flag was visible from halfway down the hill.

Lost 10-15 sec on #6 because the flag was placed one contour too low and I couldn't see it from the center of the circle.

I had planned to go much more straight towards #7, passing over #3, but followed the wrong tracks in the beginning. I realized this without stopping and my new route avoided some climb so I probably didn't lose any significant time here. The area around the flag was a lot denser than the scattered light green blobs would seem to indicate!

OK to #8 (took the path north for 15-20 m just the verify the boulder there), and down to #9.

I considered going up to #10 but with my bum foot the lower route was much more runnable.

Very good to 11 & 12.

Coming down the hill I followed a track which looked like a shortcut, but when I ended after about 25 m I had to climb down a few rocky contours until I got back on the path. At the end of the leg the path that leads past the black X special detail was totally overgrown, so I never found it.

The area around and after #13 was a disaster zone from a major storm, I had climb over or under close to 10 huge spruce windfalls here!
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OBIK P19 (21.08.2014) OBIK P19 (21.08.2014)