Harald Thons minneløp (22-08-2021)
Kategori: Competition
Kort/område: Pintleiken/Drammen
Arrangør: Sturla
Distance: 5.5 km
Tid: 40:51
Gennemsnitspuls: 156
Maxpuls: 174
Pretty much a perfect race!
I might have lost a couple of seconds on the first half of the first leg when I hit a small cliff before the marsh and the path I was going to cross but otherwise my route was pretty much as I planned.

The reentrant on #2 was less obvious in the terrain than shown on the map so I hesitated a little bit but hit it nicely.

Good direction running before and after the cabin&path halfway to #3.

Perfect direction to #4. Just as I started to wonder where the flag was positioned I saw it less than 10m directly in front of me.

I took a bearing to #5 but could have skipped that since the flag was visible from quite far away.

The pond before #6 was smaller than shown on the map, I actually ran 15-20m away from the water edge.

Good route and execution to #7, the stony valley towards #8 was relatively slow to cross so it might have been OK to go directly to the path and avoid the crossing. I had a bearing from the cairn, then aimed slightly left to be safe and hit the cliff just north of the control.

Path running to #9 & #10.

I won all the splits except #2 and the finish sprint, this was clearly my best race this year. Really glad it happened in the race that commemorates my old friend Harald Thon who died far too early from cancer. I had many tight fights with him in the Drammen-Eiker-Kongsberg area over the last 20+ years. RIP.
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Harald Thons minneløp (22-08-2021) Harald Thons minneløp (22-08-2021)