OBIK P12 (17.08.2021)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: Ekerud syd
Pořadatel: Østmarka
Skutečná délka: 3.97 km
Čas: 38:29
Prům. tepy: 133
Max. tepy: 159
I'm starting an intensive period now in the hope of getting in better shape by the beginning of September when we have the national masters champs, today was not a very good start:

I tried to push directly to #1, but had to walk quite a bit, then to #2 I left tha path too early, stopped before the last valley and dropped maybe 20 sec.

OK route and execution to #3, once again I had to walk the steep uphill.

Slow but accurate to the next controls (4-10), but at this point I was really getting tired. I did not read the map properly when I left the path to #11, ran in the light green underneath the contour and thought I was just under the white spur leading to the control. I lost about 1:45 here.

OK to #12 & #13, then I intentionally took the direct line to the last control even though I knew that the boring path route was almost certainly at least as fast.
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OBIK P12 (17.08.2021) OBIK P12 (17.08.2021)