XC skiing around Farhovd (09.03.2021)
Kategorie: Training
Mapa/oblast: Rauland
Skutečná délka: 11.34 km
Čas: 50:10
Prům. tepy: 135
Max. tepy: 176
I needed to do a 10K xc ski for a military reserve test, so I took a longish lunch break for this trip. The loop part turned ou to be just a smidgen over 10K, so I picked two points where the in- and out-going paths were as close as possible: 10,006 km and 41:19.
It was a big mistake to go around Farhovd instead of following the perfect tracks over the top: The crust was barely OK in the beginning but the parts partly in the birch forest was quite bad so I lost some time here when the crust kept breaking underneath me.
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XC skiing around Farhovd (09.03.2021) XC skiing around Farhovd (09.03.2021)