Gränsjakten dag 2 (02.07.2017)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: Strömstad
Pořadatel: Idefjordens SK
Skutečná délka: 5.85 km
Čas: 37:57
Prům. tepy: 166
Max. tepy: 181
This was a chasing start where I was starting 1:03 behind the leader and just 18 s behind my old friend Per Kr. Ekeberg. When Sten Gustavsson (the winner yesterday) didn't turn up it looked like Per Kr. & I would settle this between us:

I caught up just after the starting triangle and lead into the circle but when I didn't see any marsh-like area or a control flag I made an extra loop north-east which cost us 40 s, Per Kr found it first.

Towards #2 we ran different routes, I made up most of the difference but Per Kr. was still in front.

To #3 we yet again ran different routes, mine was better but I lost that advantage near the end when the rock wall turned up a little later than I expected.

We ran together the first half of the route to #4, then I went directly up the slabs (which were really nice) while PK followed the path a bit further. I once again failed to spot either the marsh or the control, lost another 30 s here and PK was back in front.

Same problem to #5, I ran faster but failed to spot the control and got behind again.

#6 was really sad course planning! With the chosen control placement there was no real route alternatives, just a lot of plain running. I got a bit of a gap up the hill into the control and hoped that I could keep it to the end.

#7 looks like a very easy control, and it would have been so if it had been located exactly as shown on the description, i.e. "SW foot of SW knoll" which is where I first ran but didn't see it (my track here is totally raw with no corrections applied). It took me exactly 3 min of searching before I finally spotted the flag well hidden on the outside (i.e. NW foot) of the knoll, and at this point Lasse Johansson, the guy who had started 37 s behind me caught up.

I made a small mistake on the paths to #8 because I misread the first path as a line of cliffs but when I attacked up the hill and into the control I got a new gap.

The rest was just a lot of pure running, except for a tiny bit of hesitation towards #11, at which point Lasse turned up again, and on the final controls his track running background made it very obvious that he would outsprint me, which he did.
Skrýt komentáře (2)
Bjørn Åstorp : It looks like many missed on that #7 control, me included. I had good control with the big stone just before the control, so i could not believe that i missed it.
Terje Mathisen : Bjørn, I was in exactly the same state of total disbelief: Even with all the small misses searching for flags on previous control I really couldn't see any way I could have failed to see the control. After 3 min of searching I was about to decide that the control must have been stolen (or badly misplaced) and just skip it when I finally saw it. The saddest part was that it also totally changed the final result list, it should have been me and Per Kr well before Lasse.
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Gränsjakten dag 2 (02.07.2017) Gränsjakten dag 2 (02.07.2017)