Smaaleneneløpet (2015-04-26)
Categoria: Competition
Nome della mappa: Kjölen
Organizzatore: Indre Østfold OK
Distanza: 8.44 km
Tempo: 61:26
Media HR: 164
Massimo HR: 174
Significantly worse than yesterday, I can't remember the last time I walked so much during a race. :-(

1) My initial plan was to follow the national border gate between Norway and Sweden and take the control from the east, but then I realized that it would be much easier to attack from the road to the west: Getting across the logged area took far too long, I spent 7-8 minutes just getting to the path, so this is probably where I lost most of the 2:14 I was behind the best split.

2) Direction problem, I tried to locate the yellow line/path but never found it and ended up climbing down a cliff before I made it to the dirt road. Lost 1:22 to the best split time, but half of that was probably just my awful running speed.

3) OK, just two seconds behind the best split time here.

4) OK, but almost a minute behind on pure running.

5) Should have stayed a bit higher, a little bit left of the line instead of right.

6) OK

7) OK, just way too slow getting across all the slash which the entire forest was full of.

8) Transport.

Just like yesterday a second place would have been feasible, but Nils Eddie's winning time of 58:45 was well out of reach today.
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Smaaleneneløpet (2015-04-26) Smaaleneneløpet (2015-04-26)