Ås by Night & Fog Cup (2025-02-15)
Kategori: Competition
Karta/område: Ødemørk
Sträcka: 6.35 km
Tid: 63:16
Genomsnittlig puls: 130
Maxpuls: 170
I've been unable to run properly for the last two months, so by now even though the knee pain is manageable, my legs feel like stiff logs. It did not help that I (as the first starter) didn't see the path junctions towards first control 1 and then control 3.
My detailed orienteering into each control was close to perfect since I had lots of time to check my map.
When I hit the path halfway to #5 I thought I was a bit further north, so I ran south to find the path junction. When that didn't turn up I realized where I had to be and took a bearing to the control which was easy.
The area NW of control 5 was completely destroyed by windfall, it might have been better to run along the direct line or slightly to the right of it?
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Ås by Night & Fog Cup (2025-02-15) Ås by Night & Fog Cup (2025-02-15)