Halden helg (26-01-2013)
Catégorie: Competition
Carte/région: Tobroåsen
Organisateur: Haldens SK
Distance: 4.2 km
Temps: 33:54
I had a bad bike fall in October, hurting my left hip. After an X-Ray I was told that I had an impact injury to the hip joint socket, so I haven't been able to either run, ski or swim for a few months, but this week I got the results of a new MRI scan:

It turned out that my hip joint was actually OK, the only problem was a much less serious bursitt (inflammation of the sack that covers major muscle groups), so I could return to the forest today! :-)

I ran OK to the first control, but then I lost it towards nr 2, when I tried to maintain altitude instead of keeping the direction. Even when I hit the very long cliff face it took me a little while to figure out that I was actually that far out!

From this point on I tried to concentrate and ran much better until the very last control:

As I crossed the final (indisctinct and snow-covered) path I could not see anything that looked like the marsh I was actually crossing, so I believed I was further south, still on course.

The knoll I touched the north end of (80 m NW of the control) seemed so large and distinct that I assumed it had to be the larger knoll SW of the control instead, so I ran in the wrong direction.

Running back to the finish line and then to the car park 1.7 km away it was extremely obvious that I hadn't done any proper training for a couple of months, but it was still very nice to back in the forest!

Thanks to HSK and Eva Jurenikova!
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Halden helg (26-01-2013) Halden helg (26-01-2013)