Ås by Night & Fog Cup #8 (19-03-2013)
Kategori: Competition
Kort/område: Ås Sentrumsområde
Arrangør: Ås
Distance: 5.89 km
Tid: 47:54
Should I have been DSQ'ed?

This was a Night-O race with no control flags, just some reflex bands as markers, but I had to start a bit too early, before proper dark, so I had some small problems locating the first controls.

OK to #1.

Probably a bad route choice to #2, plus some hesitation (should have followed the trampled path to the final ditch) cost me some time here.

Easy 3rd control.

Lost the path system to 4, plus some more hesitation inside the circle.

Towards nr 5 there was a new 3-4 meter deep ditch alongside the field, had to search for a while to find a spot where I could cross it!

Perfect to nr 6, except for not seeing the control. Lost about 90 sec here!

OK to 7 (could have followed the trampled path a bit further), should have left the path sooner to 8, then OK to nr 9.

Control 10 is the possible DSQ: I did not see any mention in the invitation about not crossing the railroad and there is no out of bounds marking on the map, but I still suspect that all my competitors have been told to avoid it, following the paths either north or (most likely) south via the starting point on this control, since I gained 2-3 minutes on most of them.

I then lost 1.5 minutes on 11 due to an inaccurate course from the road.

OK to the two final controls.
The first real mistake was to #4
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Ås by Night & Fog Cup #8 (19-03-2013) Ås by Night & Fog Cup #8 (19-03-2013)