OBIK P21 / ABK 5 (27-08-2013)
Categoria: Competition
Mapa/Área: Vardåsen
Organisação: Asker
Distância: 6.73 km
Tempo: 46:43
Sad to see course planning at this level: Excessive climbing, very few route choice legs, just a lot of running. I still managed to mess up in one location though. :-(

It was almost certainly faster to simply run around on the paths to #1, but I wanted to get at least some real orienteering so I cut across. I stumbled and hit my kneecap just before crossing the power line, this definitely limited my running speed for the rest of the race.

I tried to be a little fancy to #2, taking the indistinct paths instead of going another 150 m on the main path, the result was that I first missed the junction, then as I ran across the path was so twisty and narrow that I guessed it was unmapped: I though I ended up further west and ran NE to get to the path junction I had already passed. When I understood this I had to turn right and climb a bit up again to where I should have been. I lost 1:21 to Eivind Hoff on this leg, of which about 1 min was probably due to my mistake.

OK to #3 even if I lost another 18 seconds to Bjørn Solbergseter who is much tougher than me running downhill.

The route choice to #4 turned out to be decisive, I beat both Eivind and Bjørn by 1.5 min here and took over the lead.

Starting from nr 4 I tried to increase the speed, this seemed to work since I won the rest of the legs except for being one second down to the last.

According to my GPS the total climb was 600 (!) meters on a 4.7 km course.
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Ivar: 600 høydemeter virker usannsynlig mye! En grovtelling av antall høydekurver du krysset viser 50, dvs 300 meter, som i og for seg er mer enn nok! ;-)
Terje Mathisen : Du har rett i at 600 m er for mye:

Nå kan jo en GPS med barometer telle alle brøkdels meter om nødvendig, men hvis vi skal ta med risting i armen så blir det jo feil.

(Nå forsøkte jeg akkurat å fintelle kurver i motbakke, langs det jeg tror er/var beste veivalg, og kom til 54, dvs 320 m og ganske likt ditt overslag.)

Jeg skrev ifm ett tidligere løp at jeg tror min GPS er i ferd med å dø, den gir mye mere støy på track både i høyde og lokasjon. Ny klokke må vente til Jul i flg. min kone. :-)
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OBIK P21 / ABK 5 (27-08-2013) OBIK P21 / ABK 5 (27-08-2013)