OBIK P13 (2013-06-13)
Categoria: Competition
Nome della mappa: Movanna
Organizzatore: Thales
Distanza: 7.21 km
Tempo: 62:28
Experimented with half-height (bottom only) reading glasses in rain: Totall crash!

Did not read the map well enough to realize that I shouldn't climb into the first control, lost ca 20 sec.

To #2 I should just follow the main path almost to the road, then cut over and attack from the road_path junction on the other side. Without reading the map I simply followed the main path, and that was the one leading towards #4. Lost up to 3 min here.

I did not see where I should leave the path for #3 and lost another 30+ seconds.

On control #4 the EMIT unit had been stolen and the flag thrown away. The runner in front of me had found the flag but not the control unit, so I helped him search for a short while before we realized that the result list would have to skip this control.

The leg to #5 was exactly the same as we had on Nydalen's club championship a couple of weeks ago, so I just repeated the same (very good) route choice.

Towards #6 I planned to take the path on top of the ridge but crossed the valley further south than where I believed I was, then proceesed to slant up the hillside expecting the top of the hill and the path to arrive quickly. When I finally realized what I had done (after stopping and cleaning my glasses) I was afrain that I had moved underneath the control description so I had to run blindly east to avoid the big marsh which is out of bounds.

Lost 5 min here!

Towards #9 I lost the path several times and had some problems locating the flag among several big windfalls.

In the end I was nearly 10 min behind Jon K and knew for a fact that these glasses wouldn't be an option in case of rain during Jukola two days later!
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OBIK P13 (2013-06-13) OBIK P13 (2013-06-13)