Kjentmannsposter - avslutning (2016-10-16)
Típus: Training
Térkép/terület: Ringkollen
Rendező: Torgeir, Trude og Lars
Táv: 12.07 km
Idő: 295:49
Torgeir, Trude & Lars invited us to a very nice hike in the hills around Ringkollen, in the NW part of Nordmarka.

We parked near Lars and Trude's cabin close to Jonsetangen, then hiked north and west to the top of Ringkollen with a great view over Hønefoss and surrounding areas.

Next we went south and back east to the new control #20 on Merråsen.

From Merråsen we first found a historical control site, the boulder which Anne Berit missed and lost a gold medal in the 1977 junior championship. She ended up with a silver medal instead, and just a year later as a first time senior she won the gold medal in Kongsberg, in the first WOC in Norway.

We made a big campfire on the top of Rughaug (201) and grilled cheese sandwiches and hot dogs.

The final part of the trip took us out of the orienteering map, along ski trails to another old control site by lake "Østre Vambutjern" before we hiked back to Klyve's cabin and an excellent wild mushroom soup. :-)

Total: About 12.5 km and nearly 5 hours.
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Kjentmannsposter - avslutning (2016-10-16) Kjentmannsposter - avslutning (2016-10-16)